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How to Succeed in Your First Year as an Independent Agency Owner
After a few recent interactions with agency owners, I felt this article may be helpful to those looking to start their own independent prope
4 Ways to Gain Access to Insurance Carriers
There are many ways to gain access to carriers, but they can be boiled down to a handful.
10 Crucial Questions to Ask Before Joining any Insurance Agency Group
If you are considering joining an agency group, you must understand the most critical program aspects and ask the right questions.
5 Reasons Owning an Insurance Agency is a Smart Choice
What draws entrepreneurs to the insurance industry?
What Agency Owners Think They Know
Last month, we teamed up with a group of producers to give you the inside scoop on professional life from their perspective. This month, we
What do Agency Producers REALLY Think?
This month, we’ve teamed up with a group of producers to give you the inside scoop on professional life from their perspective.
Personal Lines or Commercial Lines...Where Should I Focus My Agency?
We asked our LinkedIn followers to help us chose this month’s article topic and here it is! Which line of business should my agency focus...
5 Steps from Captive to Independent
I recently did a web presentation about moving from the captive to the independent agency world and how to have the right ‘perspective’...
How Many Carriers Do You Really Need?
I come across the following scenario often: A career captive agent is making the decision to ‘go independent’ and is looking for the...
Selling Your Independent Insurance Agency - Part II
In the first part of my article on how to sell your independent insurance agency, I covered assessing the value of the agency book of...
Selling Your Independent Insurance Agency - Part I
My job most often centers around helping agents grow their business, NOT sell their business. However, there are times when I am asked to...
Making 'Working From Home,' Work
I caught an interview this morning on CNBC with Barry Diller, businessman and billionaire who stated: "Working from home doesn't work…"...
What I am Learning from Shelter in Place - Personally
(from a chair on the back porch, add backyard chicken sounds) In my last article, I shared what I have been learning through the...
What I am Learning from Shelter in Place – Professionally
(current location: the couch) As I write, I hear kids working on schoolwork via computer, the washer and dryer running in the laundry...
How do I set goals for my agency?
Goal setting and monitoring are imperative to success in any business. The same is true for a successful insurance agency.
for agents looking to start or grow their own independent agency
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